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“Inheriting Classics: Ningxia Intangible Cultural Heritage” - A Micro-documentary on the Intangible Cultural Heritage - Hua’er

The Ningxia Shan Hua’er in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity is a folk song coming from the Liupan Mountains area. Born in the lively work and life scenes, it has the countryside style and reflects the true feelings of ordinary people. With features such as a repeat in every three sentences and the fact that everyone sings along once someone else sings, the folk song is not only high-pitched and bold, but also smooth and beautiful, demonstrating a delicate and lyrical charm. By singing Hua’er in the wild, beautiful longings and love thoughts will spread among the blue sky, white clouds, mountains and rivers!
In the video, the host Uncle Hanzi came to Ningxia, walked along the Yellow River, climbed the rough mountains, and wandered in the fields of the Loess Plateau... By visiting these singers, he walked into their lives, recorded how they seriously sing and lead their lives, and explored the influence of the Yellow River folk culture on the modern expression.