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CGTN:Unlock the aesthetics of the Song Dynasty through the CGTN Art Series

宋代人物画题材广泛,保罗万象,正如孟元老在《东京梦华录》中所记述的物阜民丰与人群百态。宋代人物绘画对人物神态、动作等方面的真实自然的刻画,无不反映出宋人非凡的艺术表现力。“CGTN艺术推广计划”隆重推出第一季《千年调·宋代人物画谱》数字特展,邀您一览宋代绘画的巅峰之作,致敬千年宋代极致美学。 特展由大型沉浸式双语交互网页、海内外学者艺术论坛、中英配音有声高清大图、全民参与线上活动等形式组合呈现。

Song Dynasty (960-1276) paintings undoubtedly marked the heyday of ancient Chinese art and have been widely recognized as treasures of Chinese civilization. To spotlight their legacy, CGTN has launched "The Song, Painted," an immersive interactive virtual exhibition that features six themes – Children, Style, Stage, Class, Market, and Faith – to decode traditional Chinese aesthetics via the lifestyles depicted in the paintings.

此次数字特展首次采用游戏产业最先进的Unity引擎开发古画艺术交互网页。开场动画由Unity的可视化平台进行3D场景搭建,通过Script Editor编写C#脚本逻辑来控制和Web端的交互,再由Animation Editor编写Node-Pipeline来制作3D模型的镜头动画效果,以完成宋画元素从“静“到”动“的升华。

The virtual exhibition presents an immersive interactive tour with Chinese and English voiceover descriptions to slideshows with over 110 Song Dynasty paintings chosen from ten museums in China and around the world, including some renowned works contributed by The Palace Museum, such as Along the River During a Qingming Time (Qingming Shanghe Tu) by Zhang Zeduan (1085-1145), The Night Revels of Han Xizai by Gu Hongzhong (937-975), and Huashan Mountain God in an Epiphany by Li Gonglin (1049-1106).

嵌入式可交互3D模型,研发人员使用ThreeJS Web 3D引擎将由工业级建模通过拓扑优化的gltf格式模型文件展示在网页中,通过灯光(Light)和摄像机(Camera)模拟VR场景,呈现绝佳的网页交互式3D体验。

Figure paintings in the Song Dynasty covered a wide range of genres and subjects and were nothing short of superb depictions of their protagonists, from how they looked and dressed to how they moved and mingled. In order to highly recreate the appearance of the characters in the painting, 2D skeletal animation was created using Adobe Animation CC software, and the ancient painting was disassembled and restored by the designer and made into an animation embedded in the interactive web page.

为了高度还原画中人物的神态,我们使用了Adobe Animation CC软件创作了2D骨骼动画,由设计师对古画进行拆分与修复,并制成动画嵌入到交互网页中。

Six major digital halls of the virtual exhibition will feature a comprehensive image of its relevant category, zooming in on each featured artwork, describing the composition, examining the techniques, interpreting and elaborating on the content, bring paintings sleeping in museums back to life.


何以称为一名文人雅士? 何为宋代日常雅器? 宋朝人怎么穿衣、怎么化妆、怎么交友、怎么玩耍? 《#千年调·宋代人物画谱#》大型沉浸式交互网站告知你所关心的所有。

In each digital hall, visitors can interact with artworks and exhibits to learn more about the artwork on display. By interacting with the makeup routine buttons inside the “Style” hall, one can experience the beauty of the Song cosmetics, from base foundation to layer application. Swipe through the exhibition hall as if you were in the world inside the scrolls, and the paintings that have been dormant for as long as a thousand years are brought to life. A wide variety of other interaction options are waiting for you to discover.

Celebrated Song painting experts and scholars, artists and art curators from renowned institutions such as the Palace Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts Boston, the Central Academy of Fine Arts, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Chinese National Academy of Arts, the School of Art at Peking University, the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology and Pixar Animation Studios have also joined the digital exhibition to share their professional insights, dissects artworks and deciphering the subtle and fascinating stories hidden behind the painted scenes. Find out more in the special section of the cyber exhibition - "Insights."

To reach global audiences interested in Chinese art and history, the "Song, Painted" multimedia exhibition will be promoted on CGTN's accounts on domestic and international social media platforms, including Weibo, WeChat, Bilibili, Facebook, YouTube, and the Yangshipin video app, inviting the world to delve into a millennial dream back into an imperial wonderland.






