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Größere Kartenansicht
Buslinien 100, 106, 187, N26 und 200.
Nord.Botschaften/Adenauer Stiftung
M29 Lützowplatz

Klingelhöferstr. 21
10785 Berlin


Übersee-Promotionssaison 2024 für Eis- und Schneetourismus in Nordchina
Enjoy Skiing, Fall in Love with Jilin

The video and photo exhibition project – "Enjoy Skiing, Fall in Love with Jilin" show the high-quality ski environment, excellent facilities and services, magnificent snow landscapes, a variety of winter activities, and a diverse specialty catering service in Jilin Province. The goal of the exhibition is to express the joy of skiing to the audience through vivid scenes, to make them fall in love with the sport, and come to Jilin for a memorable ski experience.